ArticlesReal Estate Finance: Rhode Island
Richard Nadeau Practical Law – Thomson Reuters
Richard Nadeau Practical Law – Thomson Reuters
A Q&A guide to real estate finance law for borrowers and lenders in Rhode Island. This Q&A addresses state laws relating to security instruments, usury laws, limitations on personal liability, recording requirements and taxes, priority issues, mechanics’ liens, landlord liens, title insurance matters, and foreclosure procedures primarily impacting lending transactions in a commercial context. Federal,...
“Question of the Month: Are we reliving 2006, and is the Boston market a bubble waiting to burst?”
The law firm of Freeh Sporkin & Sullivan LLP, in its capacity as Special Investigative Counsel for the Board of Trustees of The Pennsylvania State University, recently issued its report (the “Freeh Report”) on Penn State’s handling of allegations of child sexual abuse by former football coach, Gerald Sandusky. The report documents how even the...
Kathleen A. Ryan Providence Business News Special Section :2012 Family Owned Businesses Download PDF (287K)
Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee signed Chapter 145 “An Act Relating to Financial Institutions” (the “Act”) into law on June 29, 2011. The Act became effective immediately. The Act makes changes to the state’s financial institutions’ examination statute to allow the sharing of otherwise confidential and privileged information with the Conference of State Bank Supervisors...
Charles A. Lovell USFN Report Winter 2011
Thomas J. Enright USFN Report Winter 2011